Kai’s Journey is a film and book series that is dedicated to children and families who have experienced the death of a loved one. It’s about a little boy named Kai who, together with his mom, learns how to navigate a profound loss in their family. The series strives to provide guidance and support as they embark on this lifelong journey of learning to better understand, process, and communicate their grief.

Client: New York Life Foundation

Agency: Anomaly

Illustration Agency: Dutch Uncle

Executive Creative Director: Zac Dixon

Executive Producer: Samuel Cowden

Producers: Rebekah Hamilton and Helen Cowley

Illustration and Art Direction: Dermot Flynn

Animators: Danila Ribeiro, Nata Metlukh, Frankie Swan, Taylor Yontz, Michael Cribbs, Nayt Cochran, Amy Charlick, and Kyle Martinez  

Compositors: Zac Dixon, Taylor Yontz, Nayt Cochran, and Kyle Martinez

VO Artist: Maya Rudolph