I was lucky to be included in a massive project with a lot of killer talent for an animated version of The Biggest Story. Here are a few of my favorite scenes that I worked on.

View the complete project here.

Client: Crossway

Production: Josh Dennis, Jon Marshall, and Jorge Canedo Estrada

Story and Narration: Kevin DeYoung

Illustration: Don Clark, Juliet Park, Sarah Beth Hulver, and Sang Wook Kim

Music: John Poon

Animation: Anna Grace Botka, Aurelien Malagoli, Chris Guyot, Chris Long, David Jouppi, David Stanfield, David Urbinati, Eddie Song, Frank Suarez, Gregory Villien, Handel Eugene, Ian Sigmon, Jake McBeardish, Jardeson Rocha, John Flores, John Hughes, Joshua Edwards, Joshua Jouppi, Jorge Canedo Estrada, Juan Behrens, Justin Demetrician, Justin Lawes, Kevin Botka, Kyle Martinez, Matt Barrera, Matthew Borrett, Mike Mirandi, Paul Slemmer, Phil Borst, Remington McElhaney, Riccardo Albertini, Ronald Rabideau, Sang Wook Kim, Sarah Beth Hulver, Thomas Alberti, Tyler Morgan, Victor Silva, and Will Fortanbary